26 mars, 2009

Ericsson 3 vann etapp 5

Efter en fruktansvärt seg sluttamp gick Ericsson 3 i mål som segrare vid 13-tiden svensk tid i etapp 5. Målgången skedde efter en hel natt då båten drev omkring på Guanabara Bay. Mange Olssons nordiska besättning korsade mållinjen 10:37:57 GMT och vann därmed den längsta delsträckan någonsin i Volvo Ocean Race.

Här är den senaste informationen:

Thursday 26 March 2009, 1120 GMT


1045 UPDATE – Ericsson 3 wins Leg 5

Ericsson 3 has finally crossed the finish line in Rio De Janeiro to win Leg 5.

After an agonising march to glory, Swedish skipper Magnus Olsson and his men officialy finished at 10:37:57 GMT.

On arrival, a jubilant Olsson, buoyed by the result, said: “It’s unbelievable. We had a fantastic strategy when we needed it. Aksel (Magdahl) did a really good job on that. We were tired but we had a great fighting spirit to the end.”

Asked about the go-slow towards the finish line when Ericsson 3 fell into a wind hole and almost ground to a halt within sight of the chequered flag, Olsson, ever the comedian, said: “We didn’t want to get too far ahead, so we slowed down a bit, in order to control the other boats.”

We will bring you more dockside reaction and plenty of photographs of 11 delirious Nordic crew members shortly.


Final couple of miles now, but in very light winds, progress is slow. But it’s a beautiful sunny morning in Rio; a perfect morning to welcome some very worthy leg winners.

We’ll give you the finish time when they cross the line and bring you all the reaction from dockside shortly.


Ericsson 3 navigator Aksel Magdahl has just fired off this email from the boat, received at 0816 GMT:

“So the waiting to get to Rio is about to come to an end. As I write this, 8 miles are remaining. Not much breeze for the last night, but we were fortunate enough to find a good squall-line to follow at good speed on course for Rio for two hours before we stopped. Now the land breeze has finally filled out to us.

“It has been a big leg, too big to get philosophic about now. But one thing is sure, that everyone gave their best the whole way, and you can see now how impressed everyone are about all the other team members. I am sure there will be emotions at the finishing line!

“Once again, a big thanks to everyone that has supported us on the way! This is a team victory, we owe huge thanks to everyone that contributed on all areas within the team to get us to the start line for this leg!!”

Best from all on Ericsson 3


Gustav Morin, the media crew member on Ericsson 3, has sent in a short email. Magnus Olsson, on deck for his last watch, told him, ‘Our record during this watch was 2.1 knots,’ before he dropped off to sleep.

But according to Gustav, ‘We can now see the glow from the famous statue of Jesus and the light from Rio is clearly reflecting on the sky.’

They are getting closer, despite the slow progress.


The wait continues as calm conditions extend out from the city of Rio de Janeiro. Ericsson 3 is making just 2 knots towards the finish line, now 18 miles away. The team has managed to run just seven miles since the 0400 report. A windspeed of 3 knots is responsible. See all the gory details in the Data Centre.

There’s little doubt that this final stretch is proving extremely frustrating for the Nordic crew. But skipper Magnus Olsson has plenty of experience bringing race boats into Rio. He’ll be a steadying influence.

Behind, Ericsson 4 remains in Stealth mode, meaning Torben and team are at least 50 miles from the finish.

And PUMA is closing in on the finish as well, now just over 100 miles away. With a bit of luck, the il mostro crew won’t suffer the same fate, and can ride the daytime sea breeze all the way to the finish line.


The Ericsson Racing Team has been in contact with the boat, and as Magnus Olsson’s Nordic crew gets closer to the finish, the wind is disappearing. All but becalmed at 05:00, the team is barely making progress towards the finish line. Navigator Aksel Magdahl’s prediction of a finish at sunrise (near 0830 GMT) is looking better and better.


It’s close to the end for Ericsson 3, as their cloak of invisibility disappears with the 04:00 position report. Earlier tonight, the team went through a stage of no wind, with boatspeeds as low as just one knot.

But then the wind came up and so did their speed. At 04:00 GMT, the Nordic crew was registering about 6 knots of wind, and making 8 knots of speed.

Behind, Ericsson 4 is still in stealth mode. In third place, PUMA has slowed down as well, but is now within 143 miles of the finish line.

We’ll keep you updated with the latest information right here.

Foto: Dave Kneale / Volvo Ocean Race.


Gurra 13:43:19 2009-03-26

Grattis Mange!

Emil 15:50:14 2009-03-29
