26 mars, 2009

Långsamt till målet i Rio

Det går lååångsamt mot mål för de båda Ericssonbåtarna i Volvo Ocean Race. Ericsson 4 befinner sig fortfarande i osynligt läge, men Ericsson 3 har futtiga 25 Nm kvar till mållinjen. Många – inklusive besättningen – hade hoppats på målgång under natten, svensk tid. Men vi får ge oss till tåls några timmar till. Förhoppningsvis blir det en dubbelseger för Ericssons båtar.

Här är den senaste pressreleasen från Race Office:

Thursday 26 March 2009, 0700 GMT



The wait continues as calm conditions extend out from the city of Rio de Janeiro. Ericsson 3 is making just 2 knots towards the finish line, now 18 miles away. The team has managed to run just seven miles since the 0400 report. A windspeed of 3 knots is responsible. See all the gory details in the Data Centre.

There’s little doubt that this final stretch is proving extremely frustrating for the Nordic crew. But skipper Magnus Olsson has plenty of experience bringing race boats into Rio. He’ll be a steadying influence.

Behind, Ericsson 4 remains in Stealth mode, meaning Torben and team are at least 50 miles from the finish.

And PUMA is closing in on the finish as well, now just over 100 miles away. With a bit of luck, the il mostro crew won’t suffer the same fate, and can ride the daytime sea breeze all the way to the finish line.


The Ericsson Racing Team has been in contact with the boat, and as Magnus Olsson’s Nordic crew gets closer to the finish, the wind is disappearing. All but becalmed at 05:00, the team is barely making progress towards the finish line. Navigator Aksel Magdahl’s prediction of a finish at sunrise (near 0830 GMT) is looking better and better.


It’s close to the end for Ericsson 3, as their cloak of invisibility disappears with the 04:00 position report. Earlier tonight, the team went through a stage of no wind, with boatspeeds as low as just one knot.

But then the wind came up and so did their speed. At 04:00 GMT, the Nordic crew was registering about 6 knots of wind, and making 8 knots of speed.

Behind, Ericsson 4 is still in stealth mode. In third place, PUMA has slowed down as well, but is now within 143 miles of the finish line.

We’ll keep you updated with the latest information right here.

Thursday 26 March 2009, 0500 GMT



The Ericsson Racing Team has been in contact with the boat, and as Magnus Olsson’s Nordic crew gets closer to the finish, the wind is disappearing. All but becalmed at 05:00, the team is barely making progress towards the finish line. Navigator Aksel Magdahl’s prediction of a finish at sunrise (near 0830 GMT) is looking better and better.


It’s close to the end for Ericsson 3, as their cloak of invisibility disappears with the 04:00 position report. Earlier tonight, the team went through a stage of no wind, with boatspeeds as low as just one knot.

But then the wind came up and so did their speed. At 04:00 GMT, the Nordic crew was registering about 6 knots of wind, and making 8 knots of speed.

Behind, Ericsson 4 is still in stealth mode. In third place, PUMA has slowed down as well, but is now within 143 miles of the finish line.

We’ll keep you updated with the latest information right here.