Nu gäller det att tänka nytt även för båttillverkarna. Den här originella plattformen från Besenzoni presenterades på årets båtmässa i Genua, som i år firar 50 år. Plattformen heter HELYBASE CONCEPT och gör det möjligt för golfälskare att fortsätta med sin hobby även på båten – om denna är tillräckligt stor.
Det här är några nivåer över de flesta andra “tillbehör”! som vi har sett. Här finns massor av teknik och olika lösningar inbyggda i en och samma produkt.
HELYBASE CONCEPT är en plattform som fäller ut sig själv och bjuder golfspelarna på 60 kvadratmeter yta. Här är företagets egen beskrivning av tekniken i sin pressrelease:
This “Magic” is made possible by the use of a petal shaped structure: in its rest position, the platform retracts itself under the floor level, whereas under the sunlight HELYBASE CONCEPT opens like a flower, doubling its surface.
This product is the result of 2 years of scientific research which has been effected in cooperation with the engineer Sergio Baragetti, Professor of the Università degli Studi di Bergamo who is engaged in research at an international level even with the US NAVY (Office of Naval Research, ONR). Since 2008 Besenzoni has worked on this product investing its resources and energy in order to obtain a unique particularity: in fact, HELYBASE CONCEPT is the only SELF-LEVELLING platform which, thanks to an electronic and hydraulic system, is able to compensate the ship’s inclination in both longitudinal and transversal sense, keeping the platform perfectly horizontal.
The Bergamo based company thus overcomes the problem of the yacht’s oscillations and obtains a perfectly stable support which broadens the surface at the shipowner’s disposal. Exploitable as a recreation area, it also passes the golf test as it allows to comfortably play aboard one’s yacht.
The platform is made in a special combination of titanium and carbon that exploits the lightness of its components to safe 60% in weight to avoid stability problems during the yacht’s navigation. Designed for an installation at the yacht’s bow section (from 24 to 50 meters and above), it may as well be positioned at the stern section instead of the tender or the jet ski, or on the fly bridge instead of the whirlpool. There is choice of 3 models to obtain surfaces from 8 up to 60 square meters and a capacity of up to 55 KN (55.000 N).
HELYBASE CONCEPT is part of Besenzoni’s latest series of carbon made products, a material that the company is still testing: the objective is to reach new standards for lightness in addition to the elevated standards for safety and technology that distinguish all Besenzoni products.