Finska Wärtsilä, som är en av världens största tillverkare av större marina dieselmotorer, ska leverera vad som blir världens största gasmotor. Den byggs när Wärtsilä bygger ut kraftverket i Samsun i Turkiet. De motorer som installeras är Wärtsilä 18V50SG, vars motor har en effekt på 18 321 kW.
Drivmedlet till denna väldiga anläggning är alltså gas. Detta är en betydligt mer miljövänlig teknik än de sju oljegeneratorer typ Wärtsilä 18V46 som tidigare har funnits vid kraftverket.
Pressrelease från Wärtsilä:
The ceremony will be conducted by Wärtsilä CFO, Executive Vice President Raimo Lind, accompanied by Finland’s Ambassador to Turkey, Kirsti Eskelinen. Also presiding will be Mr N. Atil Akkan, who is Chairman of Cakmaktepe Energy, owners of the plant, and also Chairman of the Aliaga Industrial Park (ALOSBI) where the plant is situated. At the same time, a 25,000 m2 ‘Wärtsilä forest’ will be officially opened marking the planting of 2000 pine trees in the ALOSBI Park.
The Aliaga combined cycle power plant has been built in three phases. The first phase was contracted in 2006, with two extensions added later in 2008. Wärtsilä equipment was specified for all three stages of the plant’s development, and altogether the power plant has today 28 Wärtsilä 20V34SG gas-fired generating sets, with the capability to produce more than 270 MW of electricity in combined cycle mode.
“This journey was started with one bright idea, to which was added the world’s best power plant technology – made possible by Wärtsilä. Hard work and great courage is why we are here today,” says Sukru Akkan, CEO of Aliağa Cakmaktepe Energy.
“This is a proud day for Wärtsilä,” commented Vesa Riihimäki, Group Vice President, Wärtsilä Power Plants. “The Aliaga Cakmaktepe power plant is the world’s biggest gas-fired power plant based on combustion engines, and stands as testimony to the efficiency and reliability of Wärtsilä’s power plant technology. We are committed to fully supporting Turkey’s rapid economic growth with efficient electricity generating solutions, and this commitment is evidenced by the fact that we already have two offices employing 110 people established in the country.”
At the time of the inauguration, 6 of the Wärtsilä engines will be running, with the remainder to come on stream as soon as the transmission line investment serving the plant has been completed. The electricity produced by the Aliaga plant will then be sold to the Turkish spot market through the balancing mechanism, and will serve around 350,000 households.
Wärtsilä has a workshop located on the site to provide full service support to the plant’s operations, and also maintains the first phase (4 engines producing 35 MW of energy) of the Aliaga Cakmaktepe power plant under a maintenance agreement.