Puma Ocean Racing, som kom två i förra upplagan av Volvo Ocean Race, har tillkännagett en ny satsning tillsammans med Berg Propulsion för att skapa kärntruppen i en satsning inför nästa race, som seglas 2011-2012. Ken Read, skeppare på PUMA Ocean Racing i förra racet, har presenterat sin nya besättning och sin ledning för teamet. Teamet lämnade Alicante i förra veckan för att ta hem il mostro, PUMA Ocean Racings båt, tillbaka till Newport, Rhode Island, i USA där teamet ska börja träningen inför nästa segling.
il mostro kommer att tjänstgöra som träningsbåt tills en ny båt har byggts. Det är med denna nya båt som teamet ska delta i 2011-12 års upplaga av Volvo Ocean Race.
PUMA har utsett spanska Juan Yacht Design från Valencia att leda designen av den nya båten. Juan Kouyoumdjians design har ett bra facit hittills vad gäller regelen Volvo Open 70. Företaget stod till exempel bakom 2006 års vinnare, ABN AMRO One och 2009 års vinnare, Ericsson 4.
“Beslutet att anlita Juan för att deigna PUMA:s nya båt var ett avgörande steg för hela vår satsning, säger Ken Read.
Här nedan följer en lista över de nya besättningsmedlemmarna från PUMA Ocean Racings pressrelease:
PUMA Ocean Racing Sailing Team
Ken Read, 48 (Rhode Island, USA) – Skipper
Considered to be one of the world’s most accomplished racers, Read was in charge of PUMA Ocean Racing and at the helm of PUMA’s il mostro throughout the entire Volvo Ocean Race 2008-09. The US-born Read has twice helmed America’s Cup programmes in 2000 and 2003 and was named United States Rolex Yachtsman of the Year twice and has 46 World, North American and National Championships to his credit.
Tom Addis, 40 (Sydney, AUS) Navigator
Addis, a trained meteorologist, joins PUMA as a navigator after sailing with Telefónica Blue during the Volvo, taking two leg wins. Tom has sailed thousands of offshore miles onboard Maxi Alfa Romero, winning both Sydney-Hobart and Transpac races. Addis also sailed with America’s Cup Team New Zealand in 2007.
Rob Greenhalgh, 32 (Hamble, GBR) Helmsman & Trimmer
2009 18’ Skiff World Champion, Greenhalgh is back with PUMA after joining the crew during the 08-09 race. Greenhalgh was a vital part of PUMA’s last campaign and served as tactician for Ken Read during in port racing and watch captain offshore. Rob has sailed two previous Volvo Ocean Races and was part of the crew, along with Tony Mutter and Brad Jackson, who won the race with ABN AMRO One during the 05-06 edition of the race.
Brad Jackson: 42 (Auckland, NZL) Design Coordinator & Watch Captain
Named New Zealand Sailor of the Year in 2009, Jackson has sailed the Volvo Ocean Race five times, numerous Sydney-Hobarts, Fastnets and Trans-Atlantics. Jackson was a member of the Ericsson 4 boat that won the Volvo 2008-09 and has been part of three 24-hour monohull speed records. In addition to his role as watch captain, Jackson will serve as design coordinator for the PUMA programme, mixing the sailors’ input with Juan K’s creative and technical expertise.
Andrew ‘Junior” Lewis’: 27 (Honolulu, USA) Trimmer & Driver
Lewis will be one of the three under-30 sailors onboard PUMA’s new boat. Lewis has logged thousands of offshore miles, sailing onboard ABN AMRO Two during the Volvo Ocean Race 05-06 race and on Rambler during the record-breaking Transatlantic Race and Middle Sea races. Lewis also has a long list of honours for inshore racing ranging from the Laser Class and America’s Cup. He was part of the monohull record-breaking crew of ABN AMRO Two during the 05-06 race.
Tony Mutter, 41 (Auckland, NZL) Aerodynamics Coordinator & Watch Captain
Mutter joins PUMA after sailing onboard Volvo Ocean Race 08-09 winner. Mutter has sailed five Volvos, five Fastnet Races and five Maxi Worlds. He has been part of three Volvo crews where the 24-hour monohull record has been broken. As aerodynamics coordinator, he will work closely with North Sails to design the next generation of VO70 sails. Tony will sail onboard for PUMA as watch captain.
Casey Smith, 31 (Brisbane, AUS) Systems Manager & Bowman
Smith joined the crew of PUMA’s il mostro for the Volvo Ocean Race 08-09 as one of the under 30s. Smith was instrumental in repairing structural damages to il mostro during the last race. And was honoured for the sportsmanship award for his efforts in replacing il mostro’s rudder during the Leg SEVEN Trans-Atlantic crossing. Smith has sailed the 08-09 Volvo Ocean Race and numerous Sydney-Hobart races and Trans-atlantic crossings.
Jonathan ‘Jono’ Swain, 43 (Durban, RSA) Helmsman & Trimmer
Jono Swain comes to PUMA with experience in four Volvo Ocean Races, most recently as watch captain onboard Telefónica Blue. Swain is considered an ‘all-round sailor’, mixing offshore experience with an impressive inshore resume which includes and America’s Cup campaign, Louis Vuitton Series and trimming on Mean Machine.
PUMA Ocean Racing Shore Team Management
Kimo Worthington, 50 (California, USA) General Manager
Kimo Worthington has a rare combination of management expertise onshore and leadership on the water. His professional sailing career includes competing in six America’s Cups, including a win with America3 in 1992, and numerous offshore miles. In the 1997-98 Whitbread Round the World Race, Worthington was watch captain and sailing team manager for the winning EF Language team. In the Volvo Ocean Race 2005-06 he served as General Manager for second place Pirates of the Caribbean and in the Volvo Ocean Race 2008-09 he was general manager for PUMA Ocean Racing.
Tim Hacket, 38 (Sydney, AUS) Shore Team Manager
Tim Hacket has been building racing yachts for over 20 years. A native Australian, Tim is now based in Newport, Rhode Island. Tim’s experience includes four America’s Cup boat builds and two Volvo Ocean Race shore teams, mostly recently as part of PUMA’s Volvo 2008-09 campaign.