20 januari, 2010

Corks besättning återförenad i med Team Finland

Klockorna på bryggorna i hamnen i Nongsa Point Marina i Batam, Indonesien, klämtade för fullt när Team Finland angjorde hamnen efter Race 5 igår morse. Med sig ombord hade de fem besättningsmän från Cork som därmed kunde återförenas med sin ordinarie besättning på California.

Skepparen på Team Finland, Rob McInally, fick varma applåder när han la till med sin 68-fots yacht längs med kajen. Finnarna var de första att anlända av klipperbåtarna efter det att Cork gick på grund och räddningsarbetet satte igång.

Här är resten av den engelska pressreleasen:

“It was very dark, the winds were strong and squally. Once everyone was on board, spending the night there for the Cork crew in particular was very tough as was going back to it the following day to see it again. I actually stood off a bit further than Edinburgh Inspiring Capital and Qingdao because I didn’t want them to spend too much time as they were, looking at Cork. It wasn’t a pretty sight at all.”

There was great relief amongst the crew to be back on land and, in particular, to be reunited with their Cork team mates and friends from the other crews. Despite the emotional arrival they did not forget to congratulate Cape Breton Island for their achievement in taking line honours with three cheers. Cork did the same for Team Finland and the loudest cheer of all was reserved for the Irish team.

With 25 people on board for the last few days, Rob says, “It’s been fairly tough – it’s been so hot and obviously there’s been a lot on the minds of the guys from Cork but they’ve been really good – they’ve been good fun. We’ve got them involved in the sailing because I think it’s very important to get them involved in the steering and on the foredeck doing the headsail changes and they’ve all been grinning and enjoying that, so that’s good.

“I can’t believe the amount of food we’ve gone through and the amount of tea we’ve drunk in the last few days! It’s been an incredible experience just watching everybody work together as a team. It’s been very different culturally – they are very much Irish and very good humoured so it’s been a great time.

“It feels very good to be here. The moment the boat stopped my shoulders just started to relax. It’s a beautiful place and we’re all going to have some great fun and some chill out time before moving on to the next adventure.”

Rob took over as skipper of Team Finland in Geraldton and it is clear he and the crew have already settled into a cohesive unit – they treated him to a good natured dunking in the pool as soon as they arrived at Nongsa Point Resort after crossing the finish line at 1309 local time (0609 GMT).

As well as the Cork crew, on board Team Finland are bags of kit recovered from the boat, all of which will need to be dried out. The Race Office, with the help of Nongsa Point Resort, has been making arrangements for space to sort, clean and dry.

Race 5, from Geraldton, Western Australia, to Singapore began on 3 January and the course has delivered some of the most challenging conditions to date for the crews, all of whom have put their normal lives on hold to take part in the Clipper Race, whether for a single leg or for the whole of the ten-month, 35,000-mile race.

As a number of teams suspended racing during the incident the final results will be subject to ratification once all the skippers’ declarations have been received by the Race Committee before being confirmed. California, Qingdao and Edinburgh Inspiring Capital were also involved in the operation, as well as Uniquely Singapore and Hull & Humber, who stood by to offer assistance if required.

Qingdao, with Cork skipper, Richie Fearon on board, and Edinburgh Inspiring Capital are expected to arrive in Batam tomorrow to join the rest of the fleet who have gathered ahead of the arrival in Singapore.

The fleet will sail in to Marina at Keppel Bay, owned by Uniquely Singapore team sponsor, Keppel Corporation, at 10am on Saturday 23 January. Guest of honour at the colourful ceremony will be Singapore’s Senior Minister, Mr Goh Chok Tong, who named Uniquely Singapore when she was launched ahead of the Clipper 05-06 Race.

“The international following and goodwill that the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race continues to generate will help promote Singapore as Asia’s destination to live, work and play. Keppel is happy to contribute to the vibrancy of this southern waterfront with such international events at the Marina at Keppel Bay on Keppel Island,” said Ms Wang Look Fung, General Manager of Group Corporate Communications, Keppel Corporation Limited.

Mr Rostam Umar, Executive Director of Communications and Human Resources and Organisational Development at Singapore Tourism Board, Uniquely Singapore’s team partner, said, “We welcome the crew members of the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race to Singapore. We see the race as a platform to showcase Singapore as a destination for international sporting events and where visitors have the opportunity to enjoy many exciting leisure experiences. Events such as Clipper Round the World Yacht Race strengthen Singapore’s image as one of Asia’s leading entertainment capitals with a diverse calendar of events year round.”

The Clipper 09-10 Race started from the Humber on the north east coast of England on 13 September 2009 and will return to there on 17 July 2010. It is the only event in the world where people from all walks of life can take on the challenge of a lifetime and race around the globe on stripped down 68-foot ocean racing yachts.

Race 6 start: Tuesday 2 February
Places will be available for television cameras/photographers on media boats for the start of Race 6 on Tuesday 2 February. Exact timings to be advised.

The Clipper 09-10 Round the World Yacht Race started on 13 September from the Humber on the UK’s east coast and return there in July 2010 after 35,000 miles of ocean racing. No previous sailing experience is required to take part as full training is provided. More than 40 nationalities an 230 professions are represented by crew competing in Clipper 09-10. Crew can sign up for the whole circumnavigation or one or more legs. The overall race is divided into individual races and points are accumulated according to each individual race position. The yacht with the highest total at the finish wins the race trophy.

Standings after Race 4 and Race 5 Scoring Gate
1. Team Finland 41 points
2. Spirit of Australia 41 points
3. Jamaica Lightning Bolt 28 points
4. Hull & Humber 28 points
5. Cork 23 points
6. Cape Breton Island 23 points
7. Uniquely Singapore 21 points
8. Qingdao 17 points
9. Edinburgh Inspiring Capital 13 points
10. California 7 points

Länk: www.clipperroundtheworld.com