19 juni, 2009

Klart för start i Stockholm In Port Race

Nu är allt klart inför morgondagens Stockholm In Port Race. Som framgår av sjökortet här intill har en del av Kanholmsfjärden avlysts för själva kappseglingen, men det finns gott om plats för alla som vill se deltagarna i Volvo Ocean Race från nära håll.

För den som inte har egen båt finns det flera sätt att följa tävlingen:

In the Race Village: There will be a Live TV feed on Giant Screen in the Volvo Ocean Race Village with commentary from the water.

On line:
www.volvooceanrace.tv – Live TV feed with race commentary
For English commentary: http://www.volvooceanrace.org
For Spanish commentary: http://www.volvooceanrace.es/

Det officiella programmet ser ut så här:

13:00 Start In-Port Race 1 (Schedule subject to weather conditions. Appendix 1 & 2)

14:30 Estimated Start In-Port Race 2 (Schedule subject to weather conditions)

15:30 Estimated arrival time of finish

16:30 Last time that a race can be started

19:30 Estimated – Inport Race arrivals ceremony – The Volvo Open 70s will arrive in Inport Race finish order. Last boat first onto the dock – There will be a media pen and mix zone at the top of the dock. To enter the mix zone please make your way to the far left end of the dock. Interviews can be done at this mix zone. Please inform either the team press officer or a member of the Volvo Ocean Race communications team, who you would like to interview.

20:00 Estimated – Public Prizegiving at the Main Stage – mix zone for photographers and cameramen positions in front of the stage.