16 oktober, 2008

Puma utökar ledningen Ericsson 2:a och 3:a

Puma med skepparen Ken Read har under natten utökat sin ledning i Volvo Ocean Race. Tidigt på morgonen ledde Puma med 37 Nm över Ericsson 3 med Ericsson 4 ytterligare 12 Nm efter. Utvecklingen är intressant. Båtarna har seglat en sjättedel av hela första benet och enligt erfarna Volvo Ocean Race-seglare bör de skillnader vi redan har sett mellan båtarna ge en viss vägledning om hur det ska gå under resten av racet.

Här är Pumas pressrelease för torsdagsmorgonen:

Thursday 16 October 03:12
PUMA – Kenny Read (skipper)
good evening. Grave yard shift happening as we speak. Mood is clearly good on PUMA il mostro. “The Monster” clearly likes this 20 knot running.

Which is a relief I guess, but we really haven’t had many good line ups in anything other than breezy running and light air upwind. But so far we certainly like our craft. Hopefully as we learn our strengths and weaknesses against the fleet we will grow to love the monster.

Tactically we are in a cat and mouse game with the fleet as to who will break first for the west. Telefonica Black broke from the pack yesterday in what we believed to be a light wind forecast.

We chose to stay in pressure all day and continue down the coast. We will certainly find out in a couple of days who is right and wrong but so far we like our spot. That is the beauty of ocean racing.

You never really know until all the cards are dealt – sometimes days after decisions are made, and this dash to the west is just starting for us all. Who will pick the correct line? Just wait and see.

I have to admit that one of the odd things to get used to out here is the fact that there is no internet allowed. MEaning that there is no news.

We can get e mails, and we can get phone calls. But by rule all of our weather comes from the race headquarters. And they effectively shut off the internet to our satellite communication systems.

So we have to rely on outside sources. And as a hint … Juggy Smith, the major of PUMA City, is the only one to come through on news and sports. Twice. And we have been out here 5 days (I think). So the news program could use a shot in the arm.

Other than that, just about the nicest sailing conditions you could imagine right now. Surfing down Atlantic swells under a full moon with an average boat speed in the low 20’s. All in a days work …

Länk: www.volvooceanrace.org